
Saturday, November 20, 2004

moving without Ark, mobile does not work

a drove I've snatched away, that I may shepherd it
I drive off even the male ass of fatherless boys
I seize the widow's bull as a pledge
I turn aside the poor ones from the way
moving back boundary marks; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord

so the afflicted of the earth have kept themselves hidden
as zebras in the wilderness; I've gone looking for food
the desert plain gives to me bread for my daughter
and the vineyard of the wicked one I hastily despoil
musing in the dark; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord

naked, I pass the night without a garment
and without any covering in the cold
from the rainstorm of the mountains I get drenched
because there's no shelter I have to hug a rock
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

I snatch away a fatherless boy even from the breast
and what is on the afflicted one I take as a pledge
naked, I have to go about without a garment
and, hungry, I have to carry the reaped ears
musing in the dark; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord

between the terrace walls I pass the noontime
winepresses I have to tread, and yet I go thirsty
from out of the city the dying keep groaning
and the soul of deadly wounded ones cries for help
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

he considers it not as anything improper
as for me, I am among the rebels against light
I did not recognize its ways
and I did not dwell in its roadways
mobile does not work; musing in the dark in the day of the Lord

at daylight the murderer gets up
proceeding to slay the afflicted and the poor one
and during the night I become a regular thief
the eye of the adulterer watched for evening darkness
saying, 'No eye will behold me!' and over my face I puts a covering

In the darkness I have dug into houses
by day I must keep myself locked in
I have not known daylight
for morning is the same as deep shadow for me
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

for I recognize what the sudden terrors of deep shadow are
I'm swift on the surface of the waters
my tract of land will be cursed in the earth
I will not turn toward the way of the vineyards
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

the drought, & the heat, snatch away the snow waters
so does She'ol those who have sinned!
the womb will forget me
the maggot will sweetly suck me, I 'll be remembered no more
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

and unrighteousness will be broken just like a tree
I'm having dealings with a barren woman who does not bear
and I am having dealings with a widow, to whom I do no good
he will certainly draw away strong people by his power
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

I will rise up and not be sure of my life
he will grant me to become confident that I may support myself
and his eyes will be upon my way
I have become high up a little while, then I am no more
moving without Ark; musing in the dark in the day of the Lord

I've been brought low, like everyone else I am plucked off
like the head of an ear of grain I am cut off
mobile does not work, in the day of the Lord
mobile does not work, in the day of the Lord
musing in the dark; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

it was a big hug
it was a melody

it was a big tide
covering the memory

it was such a ride
it was such a foggy night

it was such a big hug
covering my malady

in the day of the king fierce

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

seamless garments woven by right and wrong hands
secret moments made of distant and closer words

outer garments sewn by long and short hands unseen
our torments sown with good and bad seeds

upon the untorn apparel soldiers cast lots
and so the soldiers really did these things

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